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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
  • The paper is written in accordance with the Instructions for Authors.
  • The submitted article has not been previously published, nor is it in the process of deciding to publish it in another journal.

Author Guidelines


Scientific and professional papers must be written in accordance with the instructions for authors. Manuscripts that do not comply with the instructions will be returned for revision before being sent for review. Authors have at their disposal the document Format for submitting papers in which the structure and content of the paper are suggested. The authors list their data and affiliation. They state their full (official) title and institution in which the author is employed, and if relevant the institution in which the research was carried out. Independent researchers and authors for whom scientific research is not their primary profession should also indicate their status. In complex organizations, the overall hierarchy of that organization is stated (from the full registered name to the internal organizational unit). If there are several authors, and some come from the same institution, it must be clearly indicated which of the listed institutions each individual comes from. The position and title of the authors are not specified. As a rule, only the address of one author is given, i.e., the author responsible for communication for that paper (together with their email address and contact telephone number).

The editorial team of the journal remove all information about the authors from the document before referring it for review in order to ensure the anonymity of the authors.

Papers are submitted exclusively through the ASEESTANT service. The technical instructions for using the ASEESTANT electronic journal editing system relating to the Arhitektura i urbanizam journal can be obtained via the web address of the ASEESTANT service http://aseestant.ceon.rs/index.php/a-u/.

Papers are submitted in Serbian or English and must be original, unpublished texts by authors who are not in the process of publishing the text in other journals. The authors take responsibility for the opinions and views expressed in their papers as well as for the copyright over the material used (illustrations, contributions, quotations, etc.).

All submitted manuscripts are subject to the detection and subsequent verification of plagiarism through the CrossCheck service (iThenticate system).

Publication of papers is not paid. Papers are not returned to the authors. Authors whose papers are published receive one copy of the journal.

Format for submitting papers

In order to enable more consistent monitoring of the instructions for authors, the authors have at their disposal the Format for submitting papers available on the webpage of the ASEESTANT electronic system.

Manuscripts are submitted as an MS Word document; PDF format is not acceptable.


The standard phases of the editorial process are paper submission, review, proofreading and layout/publication of the paper. After each completed phase, the authors will be contacted to confirm that they agree that their paper in that form will move to the next phase of the editorial process.


Papers are subject to anonymous review. After the review, the authors are sent the opinion of the reviewers, which they should follow, if any changes are required. The paper is then returned to the editorial office.

Authors have at their disposal a form with a table, in which they need to respond to the remarks by both of the reviewers (in the case of scientific papers), or one reviewer (in the case of professional papers).

Proofreading of the paper

After positive reviews and the editorial decision to accept the paper, the paper is referred for proofreading of the text in Serbian and English. The proofread version of the text is then sent to the authors for review and correction. The authors confirm the final corrected version of the text, which is then referred for layout and publication.

Layout and publication of the paper

The final proofread version of the text is forwarded to the graphic editor for layout. The authors are involved in this phase if it is necessary to improve the quality of particular illustrations. The final layout is then ready for examination and approval by the authors. At this stage it is not possible to change any of the text, unless there are technical errors.


Before submitting a paper, it is recommended that the authors check whether the paper is written in accordance with the instructions for authors, in particular: whether the title of the paper is clear and sufficiently reflects the content of the paper; whether the abstract is informative; whether the paper meets basic scientific standards for publication; whether the references are correct and complete.

Number of words

Scientific and professional papers should not have more than 4000 words, not including titles, abstracts (in Serbian and English), illustrations, tables, references and notes.

Entries for the architecture section should have no more than 2000 words not including titles, abstracts, illustrations, tables and references.

Other entries should have no more than 1200 words not including titles, abstracts, illustrations, tables and references.

Number of pages, page size and text formatting

The length of the paper is not limited by the number of pages, but by the number of words in the previous section. Authors submit the paper following the instructions on the structure and content of the paper. The final layout of the paper is part of the editing process and is the responsibility of the graphic and technical editor.


Papers are submitted in Serbian and/or English. All papers are subject to proofreading, which is a standard part of the editorial procedure. Nevertheless, the language in the paper submitted must be clear, concise and coherent so that the reviewers can give their contribution primarily in terms of improving the content of the paper.

Tables and illustrations

Scientific and professional papers, as well as papers in the architecture section, should have no more than 10 illustrations. Other articles (news, book reviews, etc.) should have no more than 2 illustrations.

Illustrations and tables should be placed in appropriate places in the text, and not as an appendix at the end. Illustrations and tables should be numbered sequentially, with the shortest possible informative title, in Serbian and English, and with the cited source. The titles should be below the illustrations/above the tables, and labelled with Fig./Tab. in English, and Сл./Таб. in Serbian. All illustrations and tables should have references in the text. References to figures or tables in the text are indicated by: (Fig. 1) or (Tab. 1).

In addition to being placed in the appropriate places in the text, illustrations and tables should be submitted in an appropriate format as additional files via the ASEESTANT service in step 4: Submission of attachments - Additional files.

Format of the illustrations (diagram, scheme, graph, photograph, drawing, etc.): ЈPG, resolution of 300 pixels/inch, CMYK.

Table format: MS WORD document.

List the sources of illustrations at the very end of the paper, after the references.

Notes (footnotes):

Notes are given at the bottom of the page where the relevant part of the text is located. They may contain less important details, additional explanations, indications of the sources used (e.g., scientific materials, manuals, etc.).

Title of the paper

The title of the paper should be clear and informative, and reflect the contents of the paper to the greatest extent. It is recommended that parts of the text have a maximum of three heading levels (main heading, 1st and 2nd heading levels).


The abstract should be written in 1 paragraph and contain a maximum of 250 words (up to 300 words in English). The abstract should provide a brief overview of the research and its objectives, and synthetically illustrate the methods, main results and key conclusions. There are no references, abbreviations, footnotes or notes in the abstract.

For all articles that do not belong to the category of scientific and professional papers (news, new books, reviews, etc.) it is necessary to give a short summary of up to 100 words with a maximum of 3-5 keywords.


Each manuscript has 3-5 keywords, separated by commas. Each keyword can be made up of one word (e.g., architecture, urbanism, etc.) or a syntagm (e.g., spatial planning, sustainable development, etc.).

Manuscript structure

The structure of the manuscript consists of: 1) title, abstract and key words in Serbian; 2) title, abstract and key words in English; 3) the text of the manuscript; 4) acknowledgements (optional); 5) references; 6) sources of illustrations.

Manuscript text

The elements of the text should be connected in a logical order and form a clear, understandable and coherent whole. It is common for the text to be divided into sections, of which the first – the introduction and the last – the conclusion, make up 5-10% of the length of the text. As a part of the introduction or as a special section, it is necessary to give the theoretical background of the research, which connects it with similar previous research and explains how the subject of the research relates to the broader theoretical framework.

The central, main part of the text needs to be structured so that in general it has 3 sections: the first, which describes the methodology, the second, which describes the results, and the third, which discusses the results. Each section can consist of several parts, which should be titled to reflect the content of the text.

The text is structured this way in the document Format for submitting papers.


If the paper is the result of a project, write the title and number of the project and state the institution financing it. State the individuals or institutions that have provided tangible or intangible support to the research.

References and citation style

In-text references are made by stating the author’s surname and the year of publication (Brkić, 1992); if there are two authors, both surnames are given and separated by a comma (Hillier, Hanson, 1984).

When quoting a part of the text, in addition to the surname and the year of publication, the exact number of the page from which the text was taken is also stated (Brkić, 1992, 112).

In-text references, the list of which is after the text, should be found at the end of a sentence, before the full stop.

The list of references contains all sources used in the paper. Each reference cited in the text should be present in the list of references and all references from the list should be referred to in the text. References are listed in alphabetical order, in Latin script, and then chronologically. The Harvard style of citation is used.

Detailed instructions for citing are available here.


  • - journals:

Author’s surname, First letter of name. Year of issue. Article title. Full name of the journal, Issue number, Page numbers, DOI number.

Graovac, A., Đokić, J., Teofilović, A., Teofilović, V. 2021. Uloga i dometi generalnog urbanističkog plana u savremenom planiranju Beograda. Arhitektura i urbanizam, 52, 7-15.

  • electronic edition of a journal

Author’s surname, First letter of name. Year of issue. Article title. Full name of the journal, [online] Issue number, Page numbers, Available at: Internet address [Accessed: date]

Graovac, A., Đokić, J., Teofilović, A., Teofilović, V. 2021. Uloga i dometi generalnog urbanističkog plana u savremenom planiranju Beograda. Arhitektura i urbanizam, 52, Available at: https://aseestant.ceon.rs/index.php/a-u/article/view/28741/18037 [Accessed: 27.08.2021.]

  • books:

Author’s surname, First letter of name. Year of issue. Book title. Place of publication: Publisher.

Brkić, A. 1992. Znakovi u kamenu. Beograd: Savez arhitekata Srbije.

Alexander, C. 1977. Pattern Language. New York:  Oxford University Press.

If it is not the first edition:

Radović, R. 2001. Savremena arhitektura, između stalnosti i promena ideja i oblika u modernoj arhitekturi. 2 izd. Novi Sad: FTN i Stylos.

  • monograph editions, proceedings, anthologies:

Editor’s surname, First letter of name. ed. Year of issue. Book title. Place of publication: Publisher.

Perović, M. ur. 1997. Istorija moderne arhitekture. Antologija tekstova. Knjiga 1. Koreni modernizma. Beograd: IDEA.

When compiling the Instructions for Authors, the following sources were used:

  • Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja RS, Pravilnik o kategorizaciji i rangiranju naučnih časopisa – Prilog 1: Uslovi za uređivanje naučnih časopisa („Službeni glasnik Republike Srbije“, br. 159/2020)
  • Mihailović, Dobrivoje (1999) Metodologija naučnih istraživanja, Beograd: Fakultet organizacionih nauka.

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